Avoid bad practices and steam cleaning

Maintenance and cleaning is a pivotal step to extending the lifespan of your roof. Saying this, there are wrong ways to clean it. Doing so can result in the opposite of what you are attempting to achieve. To keep your rooftop in prime shape, you must avoid specific mistakes. We are going to discuss them here, then you can come to us if you want expert roof cleaning in Sunninghill.


The majority of homeowners will be happy to hear that it is not the best idea to clean their roofs too regularly. There are many ways to maintain a roof. For instance, you can blow away debris and trim your tree branches. Moss and algae also need treating straight away. Yet, there is usually no reason to jump onto your roof and clean it more than once a year. This is particularly true with a team like ours who uses biocide treatments. Too much scrubbing on the roof will actually reduce its lifespan.

Choose the right method

Roof cleaning SunninghillNot all roofs have the same design. Some are steep and have deep valleys while others have a gentle slope. They can be comprised of many materials too, including clay tiles, steel sheets, slate, or shingles. Plus, the weather conditions can be different. As a result, it is integral that you work with a professional team that knows what it is doing. They will choose the right method for the type of roof and conditions.

Leaning on ridge caps

You don’t want to lean on ridge caps either. Climbing roofs is a dangerous endeavour and not recommended for untrained individuals. When someone is up on the roof, they must watch their step. Ridge caps are the seams on top of your roof lines. They might appear to be a sturdy ledge where you can put your foot. However, too much weight can result in them cracking. This can cause a huge amount of damage and an expensive repair. Call us if you need the top services for roof cleaning Sunninghill has.

Avoid steam cleaning

At first, steaming the roof may sound like a fancy idea. After all, you can use it in other places. With the roof though, steam and hot water aren’t the ideal choices. You may be told it is more efficient than only using cold water. As the myth goes, they can remove lichen and moss more easily. Some people say it can strip years of ugly buildup away, including grease and oil, to sanitise your roof. In truth, the materials on your roof typically aren’t meant to put up with that kind of heat. Exposing them to it can lead to serious issues.

Roofing shingles are a good example. They have a protective layer of asphalt, tar, and oils. It insulates the shingle from erosion and water. Moreover, it reflects sunlight to minimise UV-ray damage. Shingles don’t get much grief from cold water. Normal temperatures aren’t a bother either. Roofs deal with summer well each year. Extreme heat, like the kind from steam, is another matter. It can break down and strip away the protective materials. It can loosen and remove the asphalt’s granules. Also, it could open up fractures in your shingles.

Services not caring for the longevity of things likely don’t care about your garden either. The steam or hot water can cause a lot of damage to the lawn and any plants. If you want things done right, you are better off working with our team.

We adopt a manual approach to roof cleaning in Sunninghill

At Berkshire Roof Clean, we prefer to remove all debris manually. Afterwards, we apply our biocide treatment to discourage organic growths from returning. The result is your roof looking better for longer. Also, you won’t have to clean it as regularly as you did before.

So, contact us if you’re interested in using the finest services for roof cleaning Sunninghill has. We can take on all kinds of jobs and always use the best practices.