Be proactive with your roof maintenance

Many people don’t give roof maintenance a great deal of thought. However, this increases the risk of leaks and expensive damage. What you should do is be proactive, checking the roof regularly and tackling problems while they are still small and easy to manage. One thing you might want to do is ask us for help. We provide the best roof cleaning Virginia Water clients can ask for. It can be a vital part of any maintenance plan.

Where to start?

The first thing you need to do is decide when you will check the roof. Ideally you should do it in spring so you can look for any signs of damage after the cold, wet winter. It is also a good idea to do a second check in autumn because the summer can be just as harsh on materials. This will also help to make sure there are no issues that will be made worse by the wet, cold weather to come.

What to look for?

Roof cleaning Virginia WaterThere are a number of important things you should be looking for when you inspect the roof. Several of these are signs that you need cleaning or repairs.

Firstly, you should check for any worn, broken, or missing tiles. These are amongst the biggest issues because they can allow water to enter your roof. Once this happens, it can cause structural damage.

Secondly, you should check to see if there is anything growing on the roof. The surface can be very attractive to moss, lichen, and algae, especially in shadowy spots. However, these growths can cause lots of problems. It is wise to get rid of them as soon as possible so you don’t have something growing over the whole roof and damaging the materials. This is something we can help tackle, offering the kind of service you would expect from the top name for roof cleaning Virginia Water has to offer.

In addition, you should check for damage to caulking, flashing, and any seals. It is wise to check the gutters too. Make sure they are not full of debris, anything growing, or other things that could cause a blockage.


One of the reasons many people neglect their roof maintenance is it is not easy to actually get up where they can see the surface. Using a ladder is the best solution but it requires a great deal of care to avoid accidents. It may be better to try to see what you can from the ground. Most importantly, you should never walk on the roof. Doing so could damage the materials and mean you need costly repairs.

Expert roof cleaning in Virginia Water

Berkshire Roof Clean is a team that knows how important it is to be proactive with maintenance. We can help clients with this, offering roof cleaning when they need it. The quality results we offer and our careful approach to cleaning have helped us build a great reputation.

So, if you need roof cleaning, Virginia Water has no better company to call. We use gentle techniques and can use products to protect the surface for years.