Attending to a polycarbonate conservatory roof

Our approach to cleaning the roof is one that prevents you from having to attend to it again for a long time. We accomplish this by firstly removing dirt and debris by hand. Afterwards, we apply our special biocide to take care of the remaining organic matter. The techniques we employ have led people to consider ours the foremost company for roof cleaning Sunninghill has.

A roof superior to glass designs

There are many types of roofs that exist in the world. One variation is the polycarbonate conservatory roof. These are far more durable than their glass peers. The biggest advantage with the sheets is they won’t chip or crack in the long run. Yet, there are some facts about them you need to remember.

Most importantly, many people neglect to clean them professionally or regularly. If you follow the same path, the sheets will end up with discolouration. The build-up of debris and dirt will allow this to happen. As a result, your conservatory roof will become something that no one wants to look at.


If you plan on cleaning one of these roofs, there are certain steps you will have to take. Firstly, you should remove the huge pieces of debris. This might come in the form of leaves and sticks. As a result, it will likely be easy to remove everything using a leaf blower or a broom. With the broom, you must remember to be gentle. Using it too forcefully could damage the coating. Damage can result in scratches and leaks.

If you need assistance from the leading company specialising in roof cleaning Sunninghill has, contact us.

When you wash the roof, it is preferable to use mild detergent or soap alongside lukewarm water. This will aid you in getting rid of the dirt and those tougher stains without damaging anything. Strong soap and detergents with harsh chemicals have a habit of damaging the roof’s coating.

Examine those gutters

Next, you will need to examine the gutters. It is likely there is already some dirt and debris in them. However, there will be more once you start cleaning. You need to think about this and take the time to clean out the guttering too. Pay close attention to down spouts too.

Efficient roof cleaning in Sunninghill

At Berkshire Roof Clean, we clean all roofs efficiently and gently. Ours is a cost effective service too since we charge very reasonable prices. It is also one that avoids using pressure washers. We are well aware of the harm they can cause. Therefore, we favour our manual methods.

So, if you want to work with our business, please let us know. One call is all it takes to arrange a service from the top company for roof cleaning Sunninghill has. Your property couldn’t be in better hands.