The safest ways to work on a roof in the sun

Have you been suffering with a filthy roof for some time? If so, you will want to deal with it sooner rather than later. The likes of moss and algae on a rooftop are more than just an eyesore. If left alone for too long, they can cause real damage. To help, we offer the finest services for roof cleaning in Thorpe and beyond.

Roof cleaning ThorpeThe summer is a busy period for anyone working on rooftops. Thanks to the dryer weather conditions, more people make plans to get work on their properties. This includes roof cleaning. Knowing that, it is vital that working safely in the sun is a top priority.

Long stretches of time in the hot sun can lead to multiple problems. Examples include tiredness, heat stress, sunburn, and dehydration. Moreover, there could be a lack of concentration that will influence the work’s quality. The chances of an accident happening go up as well. So, taking the right precautions to remain safe in the hot weather is critical. We want to look at some of them here.

Remain hydrated

Firstly, you need hydrate. Dehydration is a major issue. Signs include confusion, fainting, rapid breathing, headaches, tiredness, and thirst. When working on a roof, you don’t want to feel like this. As a result, you must pay attention to the amount of water you are drinking while you’re out in the sun. Waiting until you become thirsty could be too late. By drinking every 15 to 20 minutes, you can keep fluid levels up and lower the chance of dehydration.

While we are talking about liquids, you should stay away from caffeine too. We know how tempting it can be to have some tea during a break from work. Yet, you should limit or outright avoid caffeine when doing roof work in the sun. Excessive amounts can lead to dehydration no matter whether it is coffee or tea. It is the same for energy drinks and fizzy ones like coke. The better option is to eat energising foods and have some water.

Dress for the occasion

You will also want to dress for the weather. Light colour fabrics can deflect the sun away. With darker colours, they absorb rays, making you feel hotter. Breathable, loose, and comfortable clothes are the way to go. They will keep temperatures down and allow you to work freely. Trousers over shorts and longer sleeves can work as you’ll expose less skin to the sun. It will help protect against sunburn. Wearing a hat will also provide protection for your head. Come to us if you need the greatest services for roof cleaning Thorpe has to offer.


Make sure that you are eating well too. A heavy lunch of salty foods and fat can make you feel more lethargic. As your body does the work to break it down, you’ll generate more metabolic heat. It can make you warmer while you are working. Small, regular, nutritious meals spread out through the day will keep energy levels high. At the same time, your body will be able to digest everything correctly.

Take a break in the shade

This next point is obvious, but you should take breaks in the shade. Roofs can be dangerous when you expose yourself to the sun too much. Dark tiles and metal can absorb heat. Thus, it is crucial to regularly take breaks whilst working and sit in a shady spot. Go inside or away from the sun to give your body a break. Do your best to minimise your time in the sun’s rays.


Finally, it is best to pace yourself. Everyone likes to get things finished as soon as possible. In this situation though, you should work on the roof steadily and methodically. Pushing will only serve to increase the chance of something going wrong. Be aware of your limits. Make sure you are familiar with heat-related problems like dehydration and stop if you’re feeling unwell. It will lead to a far safer experience.

We take a manual approach with roof cleaning in Thorpe

At Berkshire Roof Clean, we take a manual approach to cleaning, removing debris by hand. Afterwards, we use our special biocide treatment to discourage organic growths from returning. We don’t jet wash as it is a highly abrasive technique that doesn’t provide the right results. Our method makes the clean last.

So, speak to us if you need the most effective services for roof cleaning in Thorpe. We serve surrounding areas all over the region too.