The dangers of ice dams

When you have been working with roofs for as long as we have, you tend to learn about all the ins and outs. We use our knowledge and experience to ensure we are the foremost company offering roof cleaning Thorpe has. We clean all kinds of surfaces, including gutters, and make sure the results last.

If you picture a winter wonderland, chances are you are seeing icicles dripping down from the tip of your roof. This might appear to be a lovely scene. However, trouble could be right around the corner. The same conditions that lead to icicles can cause ice dams. These have the potential to damage your property. Carry on reading to find out how you can stop them from manifesting before they cause problems.

What is an ice dam?

Roof Cleaning ThorpeLet’s start by discussing what an ice dam is. It is a thick ice structure that accumulates with time over your roof’s eaves. This is the result of a cycle of freezing and melting water conditions that usually happens in winter. Roof ice dams are most common in locations where snow is prominent when it gets cold.

These dams tend to form after there has been heavy snowfall. Once a rooftop heats up from the heat coming from the loft, it makes the snow melt. That sends running meltwater down your roof. This is going to freeze when it gets to the roof’s edge where it is still cold. As a result, a wall of ice will form. The melting and freezing shall carry on, creating bigger ice dams. It can potentially cause a lot of damage. Contact us for the greatest roof cleaning Thorpe can provide.

How do the dams damage roofs?

The kinds of damages you will notice quickly include broken or torn off gutters, loose tiles, and roof leaks. However, other problems are possible that you probably won’t see straight away. Examples include soggy insulation, warped floors, peeling paint, and sagging or stained ceilings.

In addition to the physical damages, there are several other red flags you might spot. For starters, you will likely notice an increase in your heating bill. The roof shall be releasing its warmth because of leaks or damage to the insulation. Here, you will eventually find yourself paying more to retain the same level of heat in your house.

Furthermore, you could encounter some unwanted pests. Mice, insects, and similar critters are able to enter your property via the small cracks that happen because of leaks. They will be looking for dark and damp places. If there is standing water from the ice dam, the pests will have what they are looking for.

Come to us for quality roof cleaning in Thorpe

At Berkshire Roof Clean, we help anyone who wants to address the state of their dirty roofs. We manually remove the debris we find instead of using a pressure washer. The latter could actually damage your rooftop, something which we want to avoid at all costs. After cleaning the surface by hand, we use a special biocide to prevent moss and algae from returning.

So, if you would like help from the best company for roof cleaning Thorpe has, feel free to speak to us. We recommend services before winter to ensure the surface is clean and in a better condition to withstand the lower temperatures and wetter weather. This can also help to reduce the risk of ice dams.